Practice Information

Management of Personal Health Information

Your medical records are a condifential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of your Personal Health Information at all times. We ensure this information is only available to authorised staff members. We abide by the National Privacy Principles available at:

Missed Appointments

It would be appreciated if you would kindly advise reception staff as soon as possible if you are unable to keep your appointment with your GP, as another patient may be in need of your appointment. Three missed appointments without cancellation could result in a missed appointment fee, or you may be asked to attend another practice.

Waiting Times

Our practice aims to provide the best quality care in the best possible environment. High demand on your GP during busy periods may result in an unavoidable waiting time. We do thank you for your patience and understanding in advance if this may occur. You are welcome to telephone the practice prior to your appointment and we will endeavour to give you an indication as to how long your wait time may be. If you have any concerns regarding the wait time you experience, you may address this with your GP.

Your Rights

If you have any complaints or have a suggestion of how we can improve our service, we would like to hear from you. Please feel free to talk to your doctor or put your concerns in writing. You may like to send a letter or use the Suggestion Box, located in our waiting room. However, if you wish to take further action, or feel the need to discuss matters outside of this practice, there are several options available, including:
The Medical Registration Board,
The Australian Medical Association, or
The Health Care Complaints Commission
Telephone: 1800 043 159

Rudeness or aggression towards any staff member of this practice will not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave our practice.

Practice Fees

All Care Plans and Health Assessments will be bulk billed for all patients.

Pensioners, Health Care card holders, DVA card holders, Aboriginals and Children under 16 will be charged practice fees for the first 3 (three) time-based consultations of the year (an exemption applies to widows). All other patients will be charged practice fees.

Routine Hours- Surgery Consult

(Mon- Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 8am to 1pm)

  Practice Fee Rebate Gap
Level A $51 $18.95 $32.05
Level B $102 $41.40 $60.60
Level C $188 $80.10 $107.90
Level D $285 $118 $167
Level E $462 $191.20 $270.8

After Hours- Non-Urgent

  Practice Fee Rebate Gap
Level A $71 $31.30 $39.7
Level B $142 $53.90 $88.1
Level C $260 $92.45 $167.55
Level D $400 $129.65 $270.35
Level E $600 $220.25 $379.75

After Hours – URGENT

  Practice Fee Rebate Gap
6pm to 11pm and 7amto 8am $400 $142.90 $257.10
11pm to 7am $560 $168.40 $391.60



Fees are payable at time of consultation by cash, cheque, or EFTPOS. However, if you have difficulty in paying your fee, please advise reception staff.

Practice Operation

The practice operates by appointments. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time with your GP.

Staff is trained in triage. An Emergency will always be given priority.

Please advise reception staff if you require an extended appointment.

An interpreter service is available. Please advise reception staff if this service is required at the time of making your appointment.

Care Outside of Practice Hours

If you experience a medical emergency outside of
practice hours:

  1. Telephone 000 for an Ambulance
  2. Attend your nearest hospital
  3. After hours mobile number:
    0447 565 425

A practice fee will apply for any after-hour services provided.

Home and Other Visits

Home visits are available for our regular patients of this practice who are living within the local area. This care is available when their medical condition prevents them from attending the surgery. If you require a home visit, please call during office hours to request a home visit appointment.


Please make an appointment with your GP to obtain these results. It is important to follow-up with the health care process. If your GP advises you to have any medical procedures, please make an appointment to follow up with your results.

Telephone Access

Telephone appointments can be booked through reception or online on our website.

Cultural Identification

To enable us to provide your health care needs, please advise reception staff if you identify yourself as a specific cultural group i.e. Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or other.

Emergency Contact

Please ensure that we have a current emergency contact. This information is extremely important in the case of an emergency. Please advise reception staff of any changes of your address or telephone numbers.